Carrefour des ateliers

"Carrefour des Ateliers FLE", jointly organised by Küçük Prens Schools, Marmara University, French Cultural Centre and Istanbul French Teachers Association, was hosted by Küçük Prens Schools on 1 December 2018. The theme of the event was "Pratiques innovantes de lecture-écriture dans l'apprentissage du français".

There were 5 different workshops on teaching French as a foreign language:

1- Lire et écrire sur des supports numériques

2- Lire et écrire avec la tête, le cœur et le corps

3- Lire et écrire grâce au jeux oraux

4- La littérature de jeunesse : un tremplin vers la rencontre interculturelle

5- Et si on portait pour un voyage découverte au find de la littérature jeunesse?

After the opening speeches of SAJEV President Demir Kısakürek and Education Attaché Bruno Delvallée, Franck Le Cars gave a presentation on "Erasmus+" and Marie Gola gave a presentation on "Florilège" project and "Ecriv'EN".

Lecturers/staff from Marmara University Department of French Language Teaching and prospective teachers attended the workshops. In addition, many educational institutions such as Sainte Pulcherie French High School, Saint Michel French High School, Bahçeşehir College, Tevfik Fikret High School, Galatasaray High School and University, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Boğaziçi University participated in the workshops.

Click here for details.